I simply click in some mod software to create new additional workers that I can assign to correspondent building of my choosing that needs an occupant/worker. I either need to wait these years for them to reproduce themselves and to be able to educate them and send them right in to the right profession so they can occupy the correct building. But I only have 5 people that can do these professions. build 4 farms for wheat, 2 blacksmith, fishing house, gathers hut, forest lodge, ale house and alot of other buildings that need workers basicly. the main thing I want to add into the game is a function on where I say for example. Adding a house every spring and fall ( 10 possible per year) it becomes self sustaining The city window has an icon that tells you the max possible pop. If you want to limit population then stop building housing. You start with 30 villagers I believe and ton of stuff. Look for a mod called 'Town in a box' or something close to that.
I've looked around in forums and even some google'ing but all I can find is trainers from uncertain sites that I don't fully trust myself clicking that windows 98 looking button named "download here" and expect everything to be dandy afterwards. In Banished they added the "debug menu" so that you could add or remove resources, even villagers. is there a way to increase the population while in game, I mean, a faster way than the normal and slow way? I'm one of those who likes to build up a community and make everything work with logistics and etc. Originally posted by Crashen:As the title speaks. They don't necessary need to be linked together since the distance can be a challenge for the workers/villagers due to food or freezing that i've read so much about. In my mind i want to maybe start fairly large villages with it's basic need when it comes to making materials and food on maybe three ends of a normal sized map and somehow make it work. Can you somehow set a roof on how big the population can grow to a maximum or is it not controllable? I'm not looking for creating the biggest population. How is it possible? Due to a mod or console commands or how is it performed? To me, 1000, 1500, 3000 people is not of interest. Soon i will publish my new 5000+ mod, i still need to tinker with setting to run it better. I'm not even talking about lag and freezes you gonna get. Logistics become nightmare and gameplay true hell to manage. Originally posted by SinWolk:Thats possible but not recommended because game goes belly up after you hit large populations, everything brakes. LiF FV offers me though better graphics, terraforming and the every once in a while attack from raiders which are completely missing in Banished.§ If there is no other way, I'm ditching this game I just bought and start playing Banished again because I feel that I had much wider options there.

So I'm extending my search to you guys who play this game alot and have some insight in it and I ask you if there is anyway of modding my population and resources up to a wanted level? I don't feel like waiting a few years for my population to go from 5 villagers up to 10 villagers, +/- children.Īnd I don't care if modding/cheating affects my achievments or anything since I'm generally just interested in building up things at my taste and see how things go from there.