My friend Angela at Teaching Mama has also created this great ebook of Songs & Rhymes for Transitions. You can find the lyrics for Clap Your Hands here. You can find the lyrics for Baby Shark here if you don't already have the words seared into your brain. You might not be able to get it out of your head, but it is great for toddlers to copy the actions in the song. You can find the lyrics for Itsy Bitsy Spider here. You can find the lyrics for There Was a Crocodile here.Īnother classic that is great for fine motor skills with hand movements.

You can find the lyrics for Boom Chicka Boom here.

I could not find separate lyrics for this song, but you click on the description in the video above, they are listed there. You can find the lyrics for Hokey Pokey here. You can find the lyrics for We're Going on a Bear Hunt here. I also love this Cosmic Kids Yoga version, a great way to include yoga poses with the story and song. You can find the lyrics for If You're Happy And You Know It here. You can find the lyrics for Shake Your Sillies Out here. I love any of Raffi's music, so this one definitely makes the list. Get those wiggles out with this fun song. You can find the lyrics for The Wheels On The Bus here. You can find the lyrics for Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes here. I'm linking to a YouTube video of each song so you can hear them.Īlso, be sure to check out my friend Angela's ebook Songs & Rhymes for Transitions for more song ideas.Ī classic, this song is great for identifying body parts along with opportunities for bilateral coordination and crossing midline.